Covidex Health + Medicine Online Store Shopify téma

6 months of support Egy termék megvásárlása 6 hónap támogatásra jogosítja a szerzőtől. Ha többet tudna meg a részletekről, kérjük, olvassa el a támogatás politikát.

shoppingBag Értékesítések: 49

Hozzáadás a Gyűjteményhez

Created: 2020. jún. 5.

Updated: 2025. febr. 17.

ID: 103141

og体育首页ONE - Korlátlan Letöltések $12.40/hó

480k elem | Kereskedelmi használat License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Támogatás Iratkozzon fel a termék Letöltéséhez  INGYEN
Covidex Health + Medicine Online Store Shopify téma - Features Image 1

Változási napló

Version 2.6.0 Release Notes:

Language Support: We've introduced support for both Right-to-Left (RTL) and Left-to-Right (LTR) languages. Newsletter Popup: The design of our newsletter popup has been revamped to provide a more enhanced user experience. Cart Drawer Functionality: We've implemented a cart drawer feature to facilitate smoother interaction during shopping. Mobile Media Image Option: A new option for mobile media images has been added to the main slider. Theme Improvements: We've addressed various theme-related bugs and carried out refinements to enhance design. Cookies Consent Redesign: The cookies consent feature has been redesigned for a more appealing appearance.

  • Services added in side cart drawer. -Product Swatches: Enhance your product pages with interactive color swatches, allowing customers to visualize different options effortlessly. -"People Also Buy" Product Suggestions: Increase sales opportunities by showcasing products frequently purchased together, enticing customers with relevant suggestions based on their browsing behavior.
  • Theme sample contain add and optimize CSS file for performance.


  • Major Megamenu Update
  • Optimized overall theme performance.
  • Bug fixes & improvements.


  • Added support for Filters on the search page
  • Fixed an issue where currency was reflected wrongly on the Quickview for some customers.
  • Bug fixes & improvements.


  • Bug fixes & improvements.


  • Bug fixes & improvements.


  • Bug fixes & improvements.


  • Added support for Shopify Online Store 2.0 (Major Update!)
  • Lazy loading of the images
  • Performance Optimization & Speed boost.
  • Multicurrency and Multilanguage support.
  • Added Filter support for variants, price and product types.
  • Bug fixes & improvements.


  • Provided video support to the products.
  • Fixed SEO title issues
  • Fixed an issue with Quick view where images did not change on changing variant
  • Added a feature which allows you to skip tags in filters
  • Fixed issue with currency where $ remained static for few customers
  • Fixed an issue with swatches which allowed using only specific colors.
  • Fixed resize issue where menu did not appear when a window was resized to smaller device.


  • Bug fixes and improvements
  • Added updates from shopify


  • Initial Release

4 Reviews for this product

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Great template, easy to use and set up. Highly recommend using it for e stores.
As a Shopify seller, I've spent more than $1000 on the road to buying themes, I've purchased official themes and themes on Themeforest and other site’s, and there are always some very hard to solve problems that can happen while using the kind of process. In my opinion a good theme must be easy for developers to customize and develop, and be able to communicate with the official theme staff very quickly, and have faster updates, and more features, fortunately Covidex has done both, I am very happy with this theme.
Przyjemny, Łatwy w użyciu. Intuicyjny w konfiguracji. Z całą pewnością polecam!
Excellent support, easy to use - great theme, thank you, great job!

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4,3 /5
Support rating (93 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 75 4 1 3 2 2 1 1 14
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
